Photo of Jarad M. Lucan

Jarad is chair of Shipman's Employment and Labor Practice Group, where he practices on behalf of both public and private sector clients.  Jarad has successfully represented employers in grievance arbitration matters, prohibited practice proceedings before the State Board of Labor Relations, and unfair labor practice proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board.  He has also represented employers in cases involving claims of discrimination and retaliation before the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and State and Federal Courts.

On Friday, the Chairman and the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board authored a letter to Congress, informing lawmakers that without additional funds in the upcoming year, the NLRB will be forced to furlough employees amidst a budget crisis — even as the agency’s workload surges. The letter paints the issue in stark

On September 6, 2022, the U.S. National Labor Relations Board (the “Board”) said “Happy Labor Day” to employers with a proposal to revive the employee-friendly, Obama-era standard of joint employment under the National Labor Relations Act (the “NLRA”). Under the proposed standard, one company may be deemed a joint employer of a second company’s employees

On August 29, 2022, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) reversed Trump-era case law and significantly limited when employers may restrict union insignia on clothing in the workplace.

The case, Tesla, Inc. 370 NLRB No. 131 (2022), arose after Tesla prohibited employees at a manufacturing facility from wearing clothing bearing union insignia during a union

Over the past few weeks, Governor Lamont signed several bills that will impact public and private employers in several ways. While there are other bills that will take effect in October 2022, and subsequently in 2023, we have summarized below the bills that have effective dates July 1, 2022 and earlier.

Senate Bill 163 becomes

In our first episode, NLRB Update, Part 1: Latest Guidance from the General Counsel’s Office, host Gabe Jiran was joined by labor and employment lawyer Jarad Lucan for a discussion about the NLRB General Counsel’s initiatives for the next four years and what they may mean for employers.

In NLRB Update, Part 2: Significant

Jarad Lucan and Chris Engler will present the session “Labor Board Updates” during the ConnPELRA event, “Annual Collective Bargaining Workshop for Municipal and School District Personnel.”


  • What’s New in Negotiations: Topics and Trends, Settlements and Arbitration Awards
  • Setting the Table for Negotiations, “What Management is Missing”
  • Economic Trends and Legislation Affecting Labor in

The National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) seems poised to make significant changes in current legal standards that will affect employers.  In particular, the NLRB’s General Counsel has indicated that many decisions issued over the past several years will be revisited, including decisions related to employer policies, union access, and the scope of protected activity.  To

On November 5, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published an emergency temporary standard (ETS) that sets COVID-19 vaccination and safety standards for private employers with 100 or more employees.  The ETS creates new obligations for employers, new rights for employees, and generally requires compliance within thirty days.  Here are ten key

As 2021 begins to wind down, employers need to be ready when changes to the Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act become effective on January 1, 2022.  Whether you are an employer that is already experienced in addressing matters under the existing state or federal family and medical leave laws or are an employer who

Over the past year, we have all experienced many employment law changes related to COVID-19 and vaccines, workplace accommodations, FMLA, recreational marijuana, legislative updates and more. We invite you to tune in as we recap the hottest workplace topics of 2021 and provide a 2022 roadmap for what employers can expect in the coming year.