To our valued clients and friends. We are providing an interim update on Governor Lamont’s Executive Order No. 7H regarding new severe restrictions on workplaces for “non-essential businesses” issued last evening and effective Monday, March 23, 2020 at 8:00p.m.

Since the announcement of the Governor’s “Stay Safe – Stay Home” initiative, we have been working with clients to assist them in obtaining confirmation from the government that their operations are (or should be) considered “essential”, thereby allowing them to continue to maintain production lines and operations. Below please find a synopsis of the Governor’s Order and answers to FAQs. By Sunday evening, the Department of Economic and Community Development (“DECD”) is required to publish further guidance on what businesses are “essential”. We will update this alert once this guidance is published. In the interim, do not hesitate to contact us if we can assist you in the potential implications of this new restriction for your business.

Overview of Executive Order 7H

  • All businesses and not-for-profit entities in the state shall employ, to the maximum extent possible, any telecommuting or work from home procedures that they can safely employ
  • Non-essential businesses or not-for-profit entities shall reduce their in-person workforces at any workplace locations by 100% not later than March 23, 2020 at 8:00 p.m.
  • Any essential business or entity providing essential goods, services or functions shall not be subject to these in-person restrictions.

What is an Essential Good or Service?

  • The 16 critical infrastructure sectors as defined by the Department of Homeland Security and available at 
  • Essential infrastructure entities
  • Essential healthcare operations
  • Certain manufacturing entities
  • Essential retail establishments
  • Legal and accounting services
  • Municipalities
  • Food and beverage retailers
  • Certain financial institutions
  • Vendors and logistics companies supporting essential services

The DECD will be providing more definitive guidance on Sunday – click here for a more complete listing of current “essential services and goods” under Executive Order 7H.

Immediate Employment Considerations

Click to view the guidance pertinent to your business:

Other Jurisdictions

Other states have recently issued orders similar to Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 7H. Please see below for links to other states:

If we can be of assistance to you over the weekend, please contact any of the following lawyers:

Daniel A. Schwartz –
Jarad M. Lucan –
Alfredo G. Fernández –
Glenn M. Cunningham –